ARCHETYPE ID | openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.lab_antigen.v0 |
Concept | Antigen test finding |
Description | The result of a laboratory test designed to directly identify and measure the presence of a specific antigen, typically associated with a microorganism, tissue, or physiological process, within a clinical specimen. |
Use | Use to record the qualitative and quantitative findings for a specific antigen test for microbial and non-microbial antigens. |
Misuse | Not to be used to record findings observed from microbial culture of a specimen - use the CLUSTER.laboratory_test_culture archetype for this purpose. Not to be used to record findings from antibody testing of a specimen - use the CLUSTER.laboratory_test_antibody archetype for this purpose. Not to be used to record findings from molecular testing of a specimen - use the CLUSTER.laboratory_test_molecular archetype for this purpose. |
Purpose | To record the qualitative and quantitative findings for a specific antigen test. |
References | |
Copyright | © openEHR Foundation, Ministry of Health and Wellness Jamaica |
Authors | Author name: Heather Leslie Organisation: Atomica Informatics Email: Date originally authored: 2024-08-09 |
Other Details Language | Author name: Heather Leslie Organisation: Atomica Informatics Email: Date originally authored: 2024-08-09 |
OtherDetails Language Independent | {licence=This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit, custodian_organisation=openEHR Foundation, references=, original_namespace=org.openehr, original_publisher=openEHR Foundation, custodian_namespace=org.openehr, MD5-CAM-1.0.1=BB34F8F362C4D919E4EF56069DF8D50F, build_uid=2dfd3618-be9f-402e-b374-207ab921b54b, revision=0.0.1-alpha} |
Keywords | |
Lifecycle | in_development |
UID | a36e25fa-1e38-41a5-9753-80944670bd77 |
Language used | en |
Citeable Identifier | 1013.1.7643 |
Revision Number | 0.0.1-alpha |
All | Archetype [runtimeNameConstraintForConceptName=null, archetypeConceptBinding=null, archetypeConceptDescription=The result of a laboratory test designed to directly identify and measure the presence of a specific antigen, typically associated with a microorganism, tissue, or physiological process, within a clinical specimen., archetypeConceptComment=null, otherContributors=Nicola Ewen, SERHA/Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jamaica Heather Leslie, Atomica Informatics, Australia (openEHR Editor) Yohann White, Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jamaica, originalLanguage=en, translators=, subjectOfData=unconstrained, archetypeTranslationTree=null, topLevelToAshis={activities=[], target=[], relationships=[], description=[], other_participations=[], protocol=[], capabilities=[], ism_transition=[], details=[], events=[], contacts=[], identities=[], source=[], state=[], context=[], content=[], provider=[], credentials=[], data=[], items=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/items[at0049], code=at0049, itemType=ELEMENT, level=1, text=Test name, description=Name of the antigen test., comment=Coding with an external terminology is recommended, if available. For example: SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test, HIV p24 Antigen ELISA, PSA chemiluminescent immunoassay, AFP ELISA, HER2/neu immunohistochemistry (IHC) test., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/items[at0057], code=at0057, itemType=ELEMENT, level=1, text=Antigen target, description=The specific antigenic or protein structure or component that the test is designed to detect., comment=Coding with an external terminology is recommended, if available. For example: spike protein (SARS-CoV-2), nucleocapsid protein (SARS-CoV-2), capsid protein (HIV), lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in gram-negative bacteria, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), HER2/neu, CA-125., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/items[at0059], code=at0059, itemType=ELEMENT, level=1, text=Microbial target, description=The name of the microorganism associated with the antigen, if relevant., comment=Coding with an external terminology is recommended, if available. For example: SARS-CoV-2, HIV., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/items[at0055], code=at0055, itemType=ELEMENT, level=1, text=Test method, description=Method used for the antigen test., comment=Coding with an external terminology is recommended, if available. For example: lateral flow immunoassay, ELISA, immunohistochemistry (IHC)., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/items[at0033], code=at0033, itemType=SLOT, level=1, text=Specimen, description=Identification of the specimen examined., comment=If the tissue specimen has previously been identified in a a higher level archetype level archetype, such as the OBSERVATION.laboratory_test_result, this SLOT may be redundant., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=CLUSTER, bindings=null, values=Include: All not explicitly excluded archetypes, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/items[at0050], code=at0050, itemType=ELEMENT, level=1, text=Presence, description=Statement about detection of the identified antigen in the specimen., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
All not explicitly excluded archetypes, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/items[at0050], code=at0050, itemType=ELEMENT, level=1, text=Presence, description=Statement about detection of the identified antigen in the specimen., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=