ARCHETYPE Cultural and ethnic identity (openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.ethnicity.v0)

ConceptCultural and ethnic identity
DescriptionIdentification by an individual with a social and cultural grouping.
UseUse to record the identification with one or more cultural and ethnic groupings, often overlapping, and usually self-described by the individual. The concept of ethnicity allows individuals to self-nominate a kinship or connection with a cultural or social group. This may often, but not always, be associated with a geographic region or place of origin. The concept of categorisation by race or skin colour is often contentious and in some places, the term 'race' may be considered interchangeable with 'ethnicity'. This is common and acceptable in some places, such as the USA, yet is illegal in others, such as Norway. Contributing to the confusion, many value sets for ethnicity also contain values that describe physical qualities such as skin colour or geographical origin. In view of this, ‘race’ has not been explicitly modelled as a separate data element, but instead ‘Ethnicity’ has been represented with the option for multiple occurrences so that it could be represented and renamed in a template, or it may be feasible for ‘Race’ to be added as a separate data element in a future specialisation. Typically ethnicity is considered as a component of a demographic record for an individual, however it has been represented within this clinical archetype, for when it needs to represent clinical data or be used in an algorithm within a clinical system and access to appropriate demographic data or values sets is not feasible. Record as a single instance in a health record; updated and revised over time as a new version.
MisuseNot to be used to represent the country of birth of an individual.
PurposeTo record the identification with one or more cultural and ethnic groupings, usually self-described by the individual.

Wikipedia - Ethnic group. Available from:
AuthorsAuthor name: Heather Leslie
Organisation: Atomica Informatics
Date originally authored: 2021-01-27
Other Details LanguageAuthor name: Heather Leslie
Organisation: Atomica Informatics
Date originally authored: 2021-01-27
OtherDetails Language Independent{licence=This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit, custodian_organisation=openEHR Foundation, references= Wikipedia - Ethnic group. Available from:, original_namespace=org.openehr, original_publisher=openEHR Foundation, custodian_namespace=org.openehr, MD5-CAM-1.0.1=5597D64481A37AB1A52793B879E32B6E, build_uid=2d1c9ef5-e5ab-4d3f-98e4-4f2cca1fec79, revision=0.0.1-alpha}
Keywordsrace, ethnicity, culture,, language,, nation, race
Language useden
Citeable Identifier1013.1.5779
Revision Number0.0.1-alpha
AllArchetype [runtimeNameConstraintForConceptName=null, archetypeConceptBinding=null, archetypeConceptDescription=Identification by an individual with a social and cultural grouping., archetypeConceptComment=null, otherContributors=, originalLanguage=en, translators=
  • Norwegian Bokmål: Vebjørn Arntzen, Oslo University Hospital,

  • , subjectOfData=unconstrained, archetypeTranslationTree=null, topLevelToAshis={source=[], identities=[], contacts=[], ism_transition=[], provider=[], protocol=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/protocol[at0004]/items[at0006], code=at0006, itemType=SLOT, level=2, text=Extension, description=Additional information required to extend the model with local content or to align with other reference models or formalisms., comment=For example: local information requirements; or additional metadata to align with FHIR., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=CLUSTER, bindings=null, values=Include:
    All not explicitly excluded archetypes, extendedValues=null]], description=[], events=[], details=[], context=[], target=[], capabilities=[], items=[], other_participations=[], content=[], state=[], activities=[], data=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0002], code=at0002, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Ethnicity, description=Name of the social or cultural group, usually self-described., comment=For example: Australian; Torrer Strait Islander; Maori; Roma Gypsy; Sikh. Individuals may identify with more than one social or cultural groups based on a long shared history; cultural tradition (including family and social customs); being a minority within the broader population; having a racially different appearance; or having a common geographic origin, language, literature or religion. Coding with a terminology is preferred, where possible, for example: ABS 1249.0 - Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups (ASCCEG), 2019., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0003], code=at0003, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Description, description=Narrative description about the ethnicity, or ethnicities, identified by the individual., comment=For example: the context that influenced the individual to identify with each ethnicity., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0008], code=at0008, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Ancestry, description=The evolutionary or genetic line of descent or origin of the individual., comment=For example: English; Irish; Chinese; Italian; Aboriginal; Torres Strait Islander; Maori; Inuit., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0007], code=at0007, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=First peoples group, description=Self identification with the peoples or nations of people who were present prior to the settlement of other peoples or nations., comment=For example: the Lakota in the USA; the Mayas in Guatemala or the Aymaras in Bolivia; the Inuit and Aleutians of the circumpolar region; the Saami of northern Europe; the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders of Australia; and the Maori of New Zealand., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0009], code=at0009, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Language group, description=Self identification with an ethno-linguistic group., comment=An ethno-linguistic group may share language, dialect and written script. For example: Italians; French Canadians; Woiwurrung., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0010], code=at0010, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=National group, description=Self identification with an ethno-national group., comment=An ethno-national group may share a sense national or collective political identity. For example: Australians; Norwegians; Flemish in Belgium., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0011], code=at0011, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Racial group, description=Self identification with an ethno-racial group., comment=An ethno-racial group may share physical appearance attributes based on phenotypes. For example: African Americans., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0012], code=at0012, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Regional group, description=Self identification with an ethno-regional group., comment=An ethno-regional group may share a sense of belonging to a specific geographical region. For example: South Islanders of New Zealand., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0013], code=at0013, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Religious group, description=Self identification with an ethno-religious group., comment=An ethno-religious group may share an affiliation with a particular religion, denomination or sect, while not necessarily practicing. For example: Jews., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/items[at0005], code=at0005, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Comment, description=Additional narrative about the identified ethnicity, or ethnicities, not captured in other fields., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null]], relationships=[], credentials=[]}, topLevelItems={protocol=ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=ROOT_/protocol[at0004], code=at0004, itemType=ITEM_TREE, level=0, text=null, description=null, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=0..1, cardinalityText=optional, subCardinalityFormal=0..*, subCardinalityText=Minimum of 0 items, dataType=ITEM_TREE, bindings=null, values=null, extendedValues=null], data=ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=ROOT_/data[at0001], code=at0001, itemType=ITEM_TREE, level=0, text=null, description=null, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=0..1, cardinalityText=optional, subCardinalityFormal=0..*, subCardinalityText=Minimum of 0 items, dataType=ITEM_TREE, bindings=null, values=null, extendedValues=null]}, addHierarchyItemsTo=protocol, currentHierarchyItemsForAdding=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/protocol[at0004]/items[at0006], code=at0006, itemType=SLOT, level=2, text=Extension, description=Additional information required to extend the model with local content or to align with other reference models or formalisms., comment=For example: local information requirements; or additional metadata to align with FHIR., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=CLUSTER, bindings=null, values=Include:
    All not explicitly excluded archetypes, extendedValues=null]], minIndents={}, termBindingRetrievalErrorMessage=null]