ARCHETYPE Organisation name (openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-PARTY_IDENTITY.organisation_name.v0)

ConceptOrganisation name
DescriptionAn organisation name.
UseUsed in demographic services to represent an organisation name.
PurposeRepresentation of an organisation name.
ReferencesISO/DTS 27527:2007(E) - Provider Identification - Draft Technnical Specification - International Organization for Standardization
Copyright© openEHR Foundation
AuthorsAuthor name: Sergio Miranda Freire & Rigoleta Dutra Mediano Dias
Organisation: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ
Date originally authored: 2009-05-22
Other Details LanguageAuthor name: Sergio Miranda Freire & Rigoleta Dutra Mediano Dias
Organisation: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ
Date originally authored: 2009-05-22
OtherDetails Language Independent{licence=This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit, custodian_organisation=openEHR Foundation, references=ISO/DTS 27527:2007(E) - Provider Identification - Draft Technnical Specification - International Organization for Standardization, original_namespace=org.openehr, original_publisher=openEHR Foundation, custodian_namespace=org.openehr, MD5-CAM-1.0.1=9457782903D514145D6E98E21795F45B, build_uid=4f750b46-c402-4ae8-89a0-1435fef8df3d, revision=0.0.1-alpha}
Keywordsdemographic service, organisation name
Language useden
Citeable Identifier1013.1.476
Revision Number0.0.1-alpha
AllArchetype [runtimeNameConstraintForConceptName=Runtime name constraint:
Choice of:
  • Coded Text
    • Organisational unit/section/division name [Used where a business unit, section, or division within an organisation mat have its own separate identity.]
    • Service location name [Used where the service location name is an important part of the organisation name and is used for identification purposes, e.g. Mobile immunization Unit at Bankstown.]
    • Business name [Business name used only for trading purposes.]
    • Locally used name [Used for local names, e.g. where a medical practice is known by a name that is different from the company registration name or business name.]
    • Abbreviated name [A short name or an abbreviated name by which the organisation is known, e.g., HIC.]
    • Enterprise name [Generally the complete organisation name should be used to avoid any ambiguity in identification. This should usually be the same as the company registration name.]
    • Other [Used when the organisation name does not fit into any one of the categories listed above.]
    • Unknown [Used when the organisation name type is unknown.]
  • Free or coded text
, archetypeConceptBinding=null, archetypeConceptDescription=An organisation name., archetypeConceptComment=null, otherContributors=Rigoleta Dutra, Ministry of Defense, Brazil (openEHR Editor)
Sergio Freire, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (openEHR Editor)
Sebastian Garde, Ocean Informatics, Germany (Editor)
Omer Hotomaroglu, Turkey (Editor)
Heather Leslie, Ocean Informatics, Australia (Editor)
Ian McNicoll, freshEHR Clinical Informatics, United Kingdom (openEHR Editor), originalLanguage=en, translators=
  • Korean: Seung-Jong Yu, NOUSCO Co.,Ltd., Certified Board of Family Medicine in South Korea
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Sergio Miranda Freire, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ,
, subjectOfData=unconstrained, archetypeTranslationTree=null, topLevelToAshis={events=[], content=[], identities=[], description=[], relationships=[], target=[], ism_transition=[], data=[], protocol=[], source=[], capabilities=[], contacts=[], provider=[], details=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/details[at0001]/items[at0010], code=at0010, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Name, description=The name by which an organisation is known or called., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/details[at0001]/items[at0011], code=at0011, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Identifier, description=The unique identifier of this name for this organisation., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null]], items=[], credentials=[], state=[], activities=[], other_participations=[], context=[]}, topLevelItems={details=ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=ROOT_/details[at0001], code=at0001, itemType=ITEM_TREE, level=0, text=null, description=null, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=0..1, cardinalityText=optional, subCardinalityFormal=2..2, subCardinalityText=Minimum of 2 items, maximum of 2 items, ordered, dataType=ITEM_TREE, bindings=null, values=null, extendedValues=null]}, addHierarchyItemsTo=details, currentHierarchyItemsForAdding=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/details[at0001]/items[at0010], code=at0010, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Name, description=The name by which an organisation is known or called., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/details[at0001]/items[at0011], code=at0011, itemType=ELEMENT, level=2, text=Identifier, description=The unique identifier of this name for this organisation., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_TEXT, bindings=null, values=, extendedValues=null]], minIndents={}, termBindingRetrievalErrorMessage=null]