Concept | Falls risk assessment screening tool (PHFRAT - part 1) |
Description | Validated Part 1 of the Peninsula Health Falls Risk Assessment Tool (PHFRAT) to screen an individual at risk for falling. |
Use | Use to record the outcomes of a screening assessment of an individual at risk for falling. Peninsula Health Falls Risk Assessment Tool (PHFRAT) has three sections: Part 1 - falls risk status; Part 2 – risk factor checklist; and Part 3 –action plan. The complete tool (including instructions for use) is a complete falls risk assessment tool. Part 1 is validated as a falls risk screen. This archetype contains only Part 1. |
Purpose | To record the outcomes of a screening assessment of an individual at risk for falling. |
References | Development and preliminary examination of the predictive validity of the Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) for use in primary care, Journal of Public Health, Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2004, Pages 138–143, |
Copyright | © openEHR Foundation |
Authors | Author name: Vesa Peltola Organisation: Tieto Finland Date originally authored: 2018-12-12 |
Other Details Language | Author name: Vesa Peltola Organisation: Tieto Finland Date originally authored: 2018-12-12 |
OtherDetails Language Independent | {licence=This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit, custodian_organisation=openEHR Foundation, references=Development and preliminary examination of the predictive validity of the Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) for use in primary care, Journal of Public Health, Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2004, Pages 138–143,, current_contact=Heather Leslie, Atomica Informatics,, original_namespace=org.openehr, original_publisher=openEHR Foundation, custodian_namespace=org.openehr, MD5-CAM-1.0.1=76A29BAE4C23081A8612EFD2AB306E3C, build_uid=9c8ff041-d074-4bfb-aae9-3fd4725df122, revision=0.0.1-alpha} |
Keywords | fall, risk, assessment, FRAT, peninsula, screening, falls |
Lifecycle | in_development |
UID | 6d499e58-2479-4f56-bd51-87cb6a0e7876 |
Language used | en |
Citeable Identifier | 1013.1.4306 |
Revision Number | 0.0.1-alpha |
All | Archetype [runtimeNameConstraintForConceptName=null, archetypeConceptBinding=null, archetypeConceptDescription=Validated Part 1 of the Peninsula Health Falls Risk Assessment Tool (PHFRAT) to screen an individual at risk for falling., archetypeConceptComment=null, otherContributors=Heather Leslie, Atomica Informatics, Australia (openEHR Editor), originalLanguage=en, translators=
All not explicitly excluded archetypes, extendedValues=null]], capabilities=[], ism_transition=[], details=[], events=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002], code=at0002, itemType=EVENT, level=2, text=Any event, description=Default, unspecified point in time or interval event which may be explicitly defined in a template or at run-time., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..*, occurencesText=Optional, repeating, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=EVENT, bindings=null, values=null, extendedValues=null]], contacts=[], identities=[], source=[], state=[], context=[], content=[], provider=[], credentials=[], data=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0004], code=at0004, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Recent falls, description=Frequency/timing of most recent fall., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=C_DV_ORDINAL, bindings=null, values=2: None in last 12 months [*] 4: One or more between 3 and 12 months ago [*] 6: One or more in last 3 months [*] 8: One or more in last 3 months whilst inpatient/resident [*] , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0009], code=at0009, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Medications, description=Assessment of medications., comment=List of medication classes: Sedatives, Anti-depressants, Anti-Parkinson's, Diuretics, Anti-hypertensives, Hypnotics., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=C_DV_ORDINAL, bindings=null, values=1: Not taking any of these [*] 2: Taking one [*] 3: Taking two [*] 4: Taking more than two [*] , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0014], code=at0014, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Psychological, description=Assessment of psychological conditions., comment=List of conditions: Anxiety, depression, difficulties in cooperation, insight or judgement., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=C_DV_ORDINAL, bindings=null, values=1: Does not appear to have any of these [*] 2: Appears mildly affected by one or more [*] 3: Appears moderately affected by one or more [*] 4: Appears severely affected by one or more [*] , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0019], code=at0019, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Cognitive status, description=Subjective assessment of cognitive status or Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS)., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=C_DV_ORDINAL, bindings=null, values=1: Intact or AMTS score 9-10 [*] 2: Mildly impaired or AMTS score 7-8 [*] 3: Moderately impaired or AMTS score 5-6 [*] 4: Severely impaired or AMTS score 4 or less [*] , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0025], code=at0025, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Total score, description=The sum of the ordinal scores recorded for each of the four component responses., comment=The assessment of risk of the patient to fall is inferred from the total score: Low risk: 5-11, medium risk: 12-15, High risk: 16-20., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_COUNT, bindings=null, values=min: >=5; max: <=20 , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0030], code=at0030, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Recent (or anticipated) changes affecting safe mobility, description=Recent change in functional status and / or medications affecting safe mobility (or anticipated)., comment=Record as true if recent or anticipated changes are assessed as present. If selected this will place the individual automatically into a high risk status., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_BOOLEAN, bindings=null, values=Allowed values: {true}, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0031], code=at0031, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Dizziness/postural hypotension, description=Presence of dizziness/postural hypotension., comment=Record as true if dizziness or postural hypotension is assessed as present. If selected this will place the individual automatically into a high risk status., uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_BOOLEAN, bindings=null, values=Allowed values: {true}, extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0026], code=at0026, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Interpretation, description=Assessment of falls status risk, based on the Total score and additional boolean questions., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
All not explicitly excluded archetypes, extendedValues=null]], minIndents={}, termBindingRetrievalErrorMessage=null] |