ARCHETYPE *Mini nutritional assessment short form (MNA-SF)(pt) (openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.mini_nutritional_assessmemt_short_form.v0)

ARCHETYPE IDopenEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.mini_nutritional_assessmemt_short_form.v0
Concept*Mini nutritional assessment short form (MNA-SF)(pt)
DescriptionScreening for nutrition assessment .
Use*(pt) To be used in geriatric assessment (patients from the age of 65 years); To be used for detecting nutritional problems.
Misuse*(pt) Not to be used in young adults and children.
Purpose*(pt) The purpose is to identify persons at nutritional risk providing information needed for intervention planning.
ReferencesBeghetto, M.G.; Manna, B.; Candal, A.; Mello, E.D; poancz, C.A. Triagem nutricional em adultos hospitalizados. Rev. Nutr.; Campinas, 21(5):589-601,2008.

Rubenstein, L.Z; Harker, j.O.; Salva, A.; Guigoz, Y.; Vellas, B. screening for undernutrition in geriatric practice: developing the short form mini-nutritional assessment (MNA-SF). Journal of Gerontology, v.56, n.6, 2001.

Copyright© openEHR Foundation
AuthorsAuthor name: Priscila Maranhão; Gustavo Bacelar
Organisation: MEDCIDS-FMUP
Date originally authored: 2017-03-09
Other Details LanguageAuthor name: Priscila Maranhão; Gustavo Bacelar
Organisation: MEDCIDS-FMUP
Date originally authored: 2017-03-09
OtherDetails Language Independent{licence=This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit, custodian_organisation=openEHR Foundation, references=Beghetto, M.G.; Manna, B.; Candal, A.; Mello, E.D; poancz, C.A. Triagem nutricional em adultos hospitalizados. Rev. Nutr.; Campinas, 21(5):589-601,2008. Rubenstein, L.Z; Harker, j.O.; Salva, A.; Guigoz, Y.; Vellas, B. screening for undernutrition in geriatric practice: developing the short form mini-nutritional assessment (MNA-SF). Journal of Gerontology, v.56, n.6, 2001. , original_namespace=org.openehr, original_publisher=openEHR Foundation, custodian_namespace=org.openehr, MD5-CAM-1.0.1=5EBF708B69F4BF410E6BB92EA29C87BB, build_uid=15bdf305-21e3-478b-a104-22db727cfe1d, revision=0.0.1-alpha}
KeywordsNutrition assessment, Malnutrition, Screening, MNA-SF
Language useden
Citeable Identifier1013.1.2840
Revision Number0.0.1-alpha
AllArchetype [runtimeNameConstraintForConceptName=null, archetypeConceptBinding=null, archetypeConceptDescription=Screening for nutrition assessment ., archetypeConceptComment=null, otherContributors=Ricardo Cruz-Correia, MEDCIDS-FMUP; Portugal
Pedro Marques, MEDCIDS-FMUP; Portugal
Duarte Ferreira, MEDCIDS-FMUP; Portugal, originalLanguage=pt, translators=
  • English: ?

  • , subjectOfData=unconstrained, archetypeTranslationTree=null, topLevelToAshis={state=[], contacts=[], details=[], description=[], content=[], provider=[], data=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0004], code=at0004, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Appetite, description=* Has food intake declined over the past three months due to loss of appetite, digestive problems, chewing or swallowing difficulties?, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Several loss of appetite. [The patient presents a several loss of appetite. ]
    • 1: Moderate loss of appetite [The patient presents a moderate loss of appetite]
    • 2: No loss of appetite. [The patient presents no loss of appetite. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0008], code=at0008, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Weight loss, description=* Weight loss during last three months?, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Weight loss greater [The patient presents a weight loss greater. ]
    • 1: Does not know [The patient does not know inform about weight loss. ]
    • 2: Weight loss between 1 and 3 kg. [The patient presents a weight loss between 1 and 3 kg. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0012], code=at0012, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Mobility, description=*Mobility, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Bed or chair [No patients mobility.]
    • 1: Able to get out of bed/chair but does not go out. [The patient can get out of bed/chair, but does not go out. ]
    • 2: Goes out [The patient is able to go out. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0017], code=at0017, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Psychological stress, description=* Has suffered psychological stress or acute disease in the past three months?, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Yes [The patient suffered psychological stress or acute disease in the past three months. ]
    • 2: No [The patient did not suffer psychological stress or acute disease in the past three months. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0020], code=at0020, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Neuropsychological problems, description=*Neuropsychological problems., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Severe dementia or depression [Patient presents a severe dementia or depression.]
    • 1: Mild dementia [ Patient presents a mild dementia.]
    • 2: No psychological problems [ Patient does not present neuropsychological problems.]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0025], code=at0025, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Body mass index (BMI), description=*Body mass index (BMI) (weight in kg)/(height in m2). , comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: BMI less than 19 [BMI value]
    • 1: BMI 19 to less than 21 [BMI value]
    • 2: BMI 21 to less than 23 [BMI value]
    • 3: BMI 23 or greater [BMI value]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0030], code=at0030, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Screening score, description=*12 points or greater: normal - no need for further assessment; 11 points or below: possible malnutrition - continue assessment. , comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=C_DV_QUANTITY, bindings=null, values=Property: null
    , extendedValues=null]], identities=[], other_participations=[], activities=[], protocol=[], credentials=[], events=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002], code=at0002, itemType=EVENT, level=2, text=*Point in time(pt), description=*(pt) A specific date and/or time which may be explicitly defined in a template or at run-time., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=EVENT, bindings=null, values=null, extendedValues=null]], context=[], relationships=[], target=[], capabilities=[], items=[], source=[], ism_transition=[]}, topLevelItems={data=ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=ROOT_/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003], code=at0003, itemType=ITEM_TREE, level=2, text=null, description=null, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=1..1, occurencesText=Mandatory, cardinalityFormal=0..1, cardinalityText=optional, subCardinalityFormal=0..*, subCardinalityText=Minimum of 0 items, dataType=ITEM_TREE, bindings=null, values=null, extendedValues=null]}, addHierarchyItemsTo=data, currentHierarchyItemsForAdding=[ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0004], code=at0004, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Appetite, description=* Has food intake declined over the past three months due to loss of appetite, digestive problems, chewing or swallowing difficulties?, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Several loss of appetite. [The patient presents a several loss of appetite. ]
    • 1: Moderate loss of appetite [The patient presents a moderate loss of appetite]
    • 2: No loss of appetite. [The patient presents no loss of appetite. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0008], code=at0008, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Weight loss, description=* Weight loss during last three months?, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Weight loss greater [The patient presents a weight loss greater. ]
    • 1: Does not know [The patient does not know inform about weight loss. ]
    • 2: Weight loss between 1 and 3 kg. [The patient presents a weight loss between 1 and 3 kg. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0012], code=at0012, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Mobility, description=*Mobility, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Bed or chair [No patients mobility.]
    • 1: Able to get out of bed/chair but does not go out. [The patient can get out of bed/chair, but does not go out. ]
    • 2: Goes out [The patient is able to go out. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0017], code=at0017, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Psychological stress, description=* Has suffered psychological stress or acute disease in the past three months?, comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Yes [The patient suffered psychological stress or acute disease in the past three months. ]
    • 2: No [The patient did not suffer psychological stress or acute disease in the past three months. ]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0020], code=at0020, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Neuropsychological problems, description=*Neuropsychological problems., comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: Severe dementia or depression [Patient presents a severe dementia or depression.]
    • 1: Mild dementia [ Patient presents a mild dementia.]
    • 2: No psychological problems [ Patient does not present neuropsychological problems.]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0025], code=at0025, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Body mass index (BMI), description=*Body mass index (BMI) (weight in kg)/(height in m2). , comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=DV_CODED_TEXT, bindings=null, values=
    • 0: BMI less than 19 [BMI value]
    • 1: BMI 19 to less than 21 [BMI value]
    • 2: BMI 21 to less than 23 [BMI value]
    • 3: BMI 23 or greater [BMI value]
    , extendedValues=null], ResourceSimplifiedHierarchyItem [path=/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0030], code=at0030, itemType=ELEMENT, level=4, text=Screening score, description=*12 points or greater: normal - no need for further assessment; 11 points or below: possible malnutrition - continue assessment. , comment=null, uncommonOntologyItems=null, occurencesFormal=0..1, occurencesText=Optional, cardinalityFormal=null, cardinalityText=null, subCardinalityFormal=null, subCardinalityText=null, dataType=C_DV_QUANTITY, bindings=null, values=Property: null
    , extendedValues=null]], minIndents={}, termBindingRetrievalErrorMessage=null]