ARCHETYPE Transfer of care summary (openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.transfer_summary.v1)

ConceptTransfer of care summary
DescriptionSummary document to support transfer of critical clinical information from the sending healthcare organisation/provider to the receiving healthcare organisation/provider.
UseUse to provide a summary clinical report about about an episode, or period, of care provided by a healthcare organisation or provider, to support continuity of care as the subject moves under the care or another healthcare organisation or provider, including a return to their original community. This document will typically convey information about events that occurred during the period of care, diagnoses, investigation results, management at discharge and plans for follow-up. Typical senders of this report will be healthcare providers located within a clinical facility including, but not limited to: - clinicians providing care during a hospital inpatient admission; and - clinicians providing acute treatment or assessment as part of an emergency department visit. Typical recipients of this report will be healthcare providers including, but not limited to: - the subject's usual primary healthcare provider or health service; - specialists, residential aged care or rehabilitation facility, welfare or community service provider; and - all health professionals who need to participate in post-transfer care of the subject. A discharge summary can be considered as a specific type of transfer of care summary. Multiple transfer of care summaries may be required to accompany the subject in any single transfer, to ensure that the full breadth of medical, nursing and other care information is shared with the appropriate receiving healthcare providers.
MisuseNot to be used to represent the notes recorded as part of a single clinical encounters or visits. Use COMPOSITION.encounter for this purpose.
PurposeTo share critical clinical information recorded by the sending healthcare organisation/provider to the healthcare organisation/provider who is taking over responsbility for provision of health care for the subject.
Copyright© openEHR Foundation
AuthorsAuthor name: Sistine Barretto-Daniels
Organisation: Ocean Informatics Pty Ltd
Date originally authored: 2012-01-30
Other Details LanguageAuthor name: Sistine Barretto-Daniels
Organisation: Ocean Informatics Pty Ltd
Date originally authored: 2012-01-30
OtherDetails Language Independent{licence=This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit, custodian_organisation=openEHR Foundation, current_contact=Heather Leslie, Ocean Informatics, original_namespace=org.openehr, original_publisher=openEHR Foundation, custodian_namespace=org.openehr, MD5-CAM-1.0.1=0712A2A1FBF1AB594DD2247C102E6BD6, build_uid=90fd0b31-8e28-4135-bdd8-9f303947861e, revision=1.0.1}
Keywordsdischarge summary, community, transfer, continuity, discharge, summary, care
Language useden
Citeable Identifier1013.1.1970
Revision Number1.0.1
AllArchetype [runtimeNameConstraintForConceptName=null, archetypeConceptBinding=null, archetypeConceptDescription=Summary document to support transfer of critical clinical information from the sending healthcare organisation/provider to the receiving healthcare organisation/provider., archetypeConceptComment=null, otherContributors=Vebjoern Arntzen, Oslo university hospital, Norway
Silje Ljosland Bakke, Bergen Hospital Trust, Norway (openEHR Editor)
Lars Bitsch-Larsen, Haukeland University hospital, Norway
Heather Grain, Llewelyn Grain Informatics, Australia
Lars Karlsen, DIPS ASA, Norway
Heather Leslie, Ocean Informatics, Australia (openEHR Editor)
Ian McNicoll, freshEHR Clinical Informatics, United Kingdom (openEHR Editor)
Andrej Orel, Marand d.o.o., Slovenia
Jussara Rotzsch, UNB, Brazil
Micaela Thierley, Helse Bergen, Norway, originalLanguage=en, translators=
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Adriana Kitajima, Débora Farage, Fernanda Maia, Laíse Figueiredo, Marivan Abrahão, Core Consulting,, Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz (HAOC)

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